Cultivation Nation® Cal-Mag

Cal-Mag Supplement
4 - 0 - 0, 3% Calcium 1% Magnesium

Cultivation Nation® Cal-Mag is a supplement for use during fruiting and flowering to address deficiency problems that can occur in hydroponic, soil and both small and large-scale growing environments.

How to Use:

Agitate well before use. Mix 50 oz (1.48 L) per 100 gallons (380 L) of water. Begin use just before bud development and continue as needed, not more than once per week.

Maintain a pH range of 5.6 – 6.8. A pH outside this range can impact the availability of calcium and magnesium.

Available Sizes:

5 Gallon / 15 Gallon / 55 Gallon / 250 Gallon